Monday, September 26, 2011

Audio Porn 3: Snatch Adams

AJ and I get to hang out again as we discuss Drive, Winters Bone, Enter the Void, play some Dead Island, talk about Sons of Anarchy, get raided by the police and much more. Enjoy! :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lucid Podcast 17: Pants Partycast

NHL 12 is out so I headed over to Kyle's to podcast it up and ended up recording with 6 people. This is our biggest guest list ever with Jimmy, Kyle, Dub, Zac, and Jacob. I tried to keep to my notes and talk about NHL12, Resistance 3, Dead Island, new Bush and Primus cds but with this many people you cant keep every one in line. So listen to me slap the shit out of Jimmy for interrupting me constantly and enjoy this partycast! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lucid Podcast 16: Floppy Disk Re-union

The Floppy Disk crew is back people! We're kickin' it old school and giving our top summer movies, a couple trailers, apps, and Netflix suggestions.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Find us on Facebook

Yes, yes, yes I know that I've talked shit on Facebook and said I would never do it but I've changed, this podcast has changed and to be honest it's a great way to market and keep in touch with the viewers. If you are like everyone and their mother(literally) and have a Facebook then do us a favor and "Like" our Facebook page for episode releases and article surfing.

Find us @

Article Surfing is a way to keep content flowing and keep you from reading my bad renditions of an article someone else wrote. Why go through 10 to 20 entertainment websites and filter through all the crap like Katie Perry articles or other information you just scroll through to get to the good stuff. I grab the best articles I find or that others bring to me(that's you people!)and toss the link on the Facebook for your easy viewing pleasure. Enjoy! :)

Do you have a news article that you think is Facebook worthy email the link to us at:

Bitchin' 2: The Whiskey and Wine Diary

Erin and Preston are back to do some bitchin'! We give you all the release dates for Septembers movies, DVDs and games, also we give our opinions on Our Idiot Brother, The Kings Speech and the new Rum Diary trailer. Oh and my top 3 games from PAX!